2022 Pitkin County Precincts
C.R.S. 1-5-101(3) directs the County Clerk and Recorder, subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioner, shall establish one precinct for every one thousand five hundred active eligible electors in the county at the time of the most recent federal decennial census
In 2021, the Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder's Office in coordination with Pitkin County GIS conducted a study of the number of active voters in each precinct and identified two precincts that have grown considerably beyond the 1500 voter threshold. In accordance with statute laid out in the Colorado Constitution, the Clerk brought forward to the Pitkin County Board of County Commissioners, a proposal to subdivide the over-limit precincts, resulting in two new precincts countywide. This proposal was approved. This means we have gone from 10 precincts to now 12 precincts. Additionally, some precincts have been renumbered.
Below, you will find a map of the old precincts highlighting the areas of growth. Immediately below the old map, the new map of precincts has been posted. For a deeper analysis of the new precincts, you are invited to visit Maps and More.
To verify your precinct, please visit govotecolorado.gov and lookup your voter registration. Upon finding your registration, locate the "County and District Information" tab, and scroll down to your precinct number.
What does the precinct number mean?
The complete precinct number tells you the precinct's Congressional district, its State Senate and House district numbers, the county and the precinct number/code.
Example precinct number = 3055749001
3 = Congressional district
05 = State senate district
57 = State house district
49 = County code
001 thru 012 = Precinct number/code
Pre-2022 Pitkin County Precinct Map

New Pitkin County Precinct Map